
Land Records

The land records of 527 villages spatial & non spatial data has been made available on public domain (URL ) in the flavor of Unicode & mobile compatible. A special mechanism is developed to update Land Records Data from districts through Data transmission services.


This aims to facilitate delivery of citizen services as well as Computerization of Land records. The prime objectives of the scheme include, inter alia, the following:

  • Computerized recording, storage, and retrieval of attribute (spatial & non-spatial) data, comprising ownership and land use information.
  • Generation and issue of periodic reports including a copy of the Record of Rights (ROR), Khatauni(B1), Naksha etc. to the land owners through the computerized system.
  • Land Owner Satisfaction, Improved and efficient public service delivery.

Lok Seva Kendra , Harda/Timarni/Khirkiya



Collector Office Harda
Location : Lokseva Kendra | City : HARDA | PIN Code : 461331
Email : loksevaharda[at]gmail[dot]com